Unable to View Window on Sequoia
I've tried reinstalling the app, but I have yet to be able to view the app on the Sequoia OS. I am currently on 15.4 OS, but this hasn't worked on any version. When clicking on the icon in the toolbar, it acts like opens a window, but it's completely transparent and simply covers up whatever is on my desktop in that area.
Benjamin Battin
Hi Brian,
I hope you're doing well.
Do you mean that you're unable to see the main app window on your computer (without any sharing session running) or that when you're invited in a sharing session you're unable to see the app main window on the remote computer ?
In the latter case, you just have to include Drovio windows to the screen capture (Drovio windows are excluded by default): preferences -> screen sharing -> uncheck ''Exclude Drovio windows from capture".
If this is the first scenario, I'm not aware of such a bug and we can plan a quick debug call together so I can see things by myself. Please book a time slot here: https://calendly.com/benjamin-drovio/30min
Benjamin Battin The latter. The menu doesn't show, although it tries to. Schedule a slot for Monday. I can record a video and send it to you via email if you wish.
Benjamin Battin
Brian: Yes please, could be relevant. You can send the video to benjamin@drov.io
Benjamin Battin
Brian: Just saw your video. Seems to be remote machines right? self-hosted ones or hosted by services like MacStadium?
Benjamin Battin
or maybe standard machines accessed remotely through macOS remote desktop feature?
Benjamin Battin Yeah, it's a headless that I access via the macOS remote feature. The menu worked find on the machine when it was on previous operating systems such as Sonoma.
Benjamin Battin The Sonoma computer I accessed via the same method, although that one is a desktop, not a headless.
Benjamin Battin
Brian: Okay I think I got this Brian.
The fact is since Sequoia, the vnc process uses windows exclusion flags that we are also using to prevent our windows from being captured during a Drovio session.
I've tried on my side and it appears that if I have a local user + a vnc one, the Drovio window appears locally but not remotely (but only since Sequoia).
As a workaround while waiting for our big refactor you can disable Drovio windows exclusion:
- Connect to the Sequoia machine remotely
- Kill the drovio-core process (wait for drovio-gui process auto closing)
- Go to /Users/<your_user>/Library/Application Support/Drovio and edit settings.conf
- Replace the [screen_sharing][exclude_app_from_capture] value from 'true' to 'false'
- Restart the app
Your problem should be solved but at the price of Drovio windows being captured during Drovio sessions.
Let me know if this solves your issue. Best.
Benjamin Battin Yep, that appears to have fixed the issue. Confirmed that I could log in and see the other users just fine. Thanks for looking into this!
Benjamin Battin
Brian: Perfect! Always happy to help. Bye.